Monday, September 30, 2019

learn quran online Acupuncture Pros Cons Uses And Considerations An Overview

Nearly, everyone, today, has, learn quran online
 at least, heard about acupuncture, but most people, either know very little about it, or have some misconceptions about its potential, uses, bases, advantages (pros), and disadvantages (cons). Performed, properly, by a well - trained, licensed, experienced, acupuncturist, this procedure, is largely, non - invasive, safe, relatively painless, and effective, for a variety of uses, needs, etc. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, some of the uses, advantages, disadvantages, and other considerations, and, whether, having acupuncture treatments, might help you, in some situations, and ways.

1. Personal experiences with acupuncture: The first time, I observed acupuncture, was when I viewed, a test, in a New York City, major hospital, of anesthesia/ pain management, being used, exclusively, during an extensive dental surgery, in the middle of the 1970's. About 15 years later, after having oral surgery, I suffered, from trismas, in my jaw, probably due, to the stretching, done during the procedure. About 3 days later, I was still suffering, and while strolling in NYC's, Chinatown, went into an acupuncturist's office, located behind an herb shop. Forty - five minutes later, I walked out of the office, completely, pain - free, and the situation, never returned. Recently, in the past five years, after years of age - related, arthritis, and arthritic pain, I began regular treatments, by a quality, experienced, licensed acupuncturist. While this does not eliminate or get rid of the condition, it offers me, significant relief, for a few weeks, from the discomfort, and inflammation, especially, in my lower back, knee, shoulder and neck.

2. Advantages: Acupuncture is an ancient art, based on what is referred to, as, Meridiens. While there may be a slight, ting, when the thin needles are inserted, it is largely, pain - free, and does not interfere with any other treatments, etc. It's comparatively, safe and effective, when properly performed. Before beginning, go to your health professional, and have the condition examined, to ensure, there is no serious, medical condition, that requires immediate attention. Then, you might wish to try, acupuncture!

3. Disadvantages: While acupuncture may be used, for certain acute disorders, such as mentioned above, etc, it is not a cure - all! As part of a wellness program, it is worth considering, but, not as a replacement, for regular, medical attention, and/ or care! Remember, most health insurance, does not pay for these treatments.

Acupuncture is a relatively, safe, effective, treatment, for certain ailments. Before beginning any treatment, discuss your overall health, with a trusted, health professional. Ask the acupuncturist, to evaluate, your conditions, and suggest a program. If it makes sense to you, consider it.

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: